Multi-dimensional Superhero Children Born to Save the Planet from Destruction

The InfinEights are a docu-fantasy series created by Thida Nathalie, about marginalised, neurodivergent children,who’s flaw are revealed to be multi- dimensional, super-human strengths.

Each film is a unique construct of fact blended with fiction (docu-fantasy) designed to give back to a local children’s charity in the country where it was shot, making The InfinEights both visually stimulating and socially impactful.


Gypsie Nomad Guerilla Filmmaker

Trans-national Hipster, Thida, is a die-hard gypsy nomad, infatuated by human story. Since 2015 she has
been traveling around the world, diving into narrative, and mastering the art of visual storytelling, turning
into nothing less than a ‘guerilla-filmmaker’. Her first docu-fiction, Bright Like The Sun, won over 20
international film festivals and she hopes to complete her feature documentary, The Empire of Good Deeds,
by the end of this year.